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2. The Fab City Full Stack

A Multiscalar Framework for an Orchestrated Collaboration Within Distributed Networks of Production

verfasst von : Tomas Diez Ladera, Vasilis Niaros, Carolina Ferro

Erschienen in: Global collaboration, local production

Verlag: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden

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This chapter presents the Fab City Full Stack framework, a conceptual model to guide the transition towards locally productive and globally connected cities and regions. The Full Stack is composed of seven layers, serving as an analytical, design, and implementation tool which ensures that projects align with the values and principles of the Fab City philosophy. The Full Stack provides a framework for navigating the complexity of implementing a transition to regenerative local economies. Future directions for research on the Fab City Full Stack are discussed, highlighting the need for more in-depth case studies, a focus on the social and political dimensions of the framework, as well as the development of metrics to measure progress towards self-sufficient and sustainable cities.

2.1 Introduction

The Fab City Full Stack is a comprehensive framework that aims to transform cities into self-sufficient and locally productive ecosystems (Diez, 2012). It is based on the ‘Products In Trash Out’ (PITO) to ‘Data In Data Out’ (DIDO) concept, which envisions a world where any object or tool can be designed, produced, and recycled within in a city, while its digital information can be shared globally and adapted in any local context (Diez, 2016). The Fab City Full Stack (Fig. 2.1) builds upon this vision by providing a roadmap for cities to achieve this level of self-sufficiency and resilience through a combination of digital and physical infrastructure, community empowerment, and local production of things, food, and energy (Guallart, 2014).
The Fab City concept was first introduced at the FAB7 Fab Lab Conference in Lima and later consolidated in the Fab City Whitepaper, which outlined the principles and goals of the movement (Diez, 2016). These principles include the decentralization of production, open and collaborative innovation, and the use of digital fabrication technologies to enable local production. The Fab City Full Stack provides a concrete set of tools and strategies for cities to implement these principles in a systematic and scalable way.
The core of the Fab City Full Stack is self-sufficiency and circularity, so it seeks to reduce the reliance of cities on external resources and minimize waste and pollution. This is achieved through digital technologies such as 3D printing, CNC machines, and robotics, combined with new material supply chains, as well as physical infrastructure such as urban agriculture, renewable energy, and waste management systems. Thus, it introduces a new infrastructure to keep atoms circulating locally, while bits of information circulate globally.
The Fab City Full Stack also emphasizes the importance of community empowerment and local participation, recognizing that the movement’s success depends on the active engagement and collaboration of citizens, makers, and entrepreneurs. The Fab City Manifesto outlines the key values and principles that underpin this collaborative approach, including transparency, openness, and inclusivity (Fab City Global Initiative, 2018).
In this chapter, we will explore the key components of the Fab City Full Stack and examine the potential benefits and challenges of implementing this framework in cities worldwide. We will draw on examples from existing Fab City initiatives and highlight the role of digital technologies in enabling local production and global exchange of knowledge. Ultimately, we will argue that the Fab City Full Stack serves as an operational tool to build a promising vision for the future of cities, one that prioritizes local resilience, environmental sustainability, and community empowerment.

2.2 Theoretical and Practical Roots of the Full Stack

The Full Stack approach has been inspired by theoretical models and practical experiences alike. On the theoretical side, it draws from several disciplines and concepts, such as systems thinking, complexity theory, and the “powers of ten” concept. These theories provide a framework for understanding the complexity and interconnections of different systems, and for considering multiple scales when designing interventions in the Fab City Global Initiative context. On the practical side, the Full Stack approach has been inspired by a number of real-world initiatives and projects, such as the Fab Lab network, which provides access to digital fabrication technologies and supports local manufacturing (Gershenfeld et al., 2017). The evolution of programs, such as the Fab Academy, allowing innovations to be spurred by student’s creativity, and the implementation of Fab Labs in several countries in the world, have informed the development of the Full Stack framework. It recognizes the need to articulate the efforts of distributed networks (Armstrong and Diez, 2021) to increase impact and accelerate the transition towards a new productive model in cities and regions.
On the theoretical side, the “powers of ten” concept (Eames and Eames, 1977), popularized by the eponymous Eames film, emphasizes the importance of considering multiple scales for the analyses and designs of systems. This concept has been integrated into the Full Stack approach, emphasizing a multiscalar approach to designing solutions for complex problems. In addition, the concept of “pace layering” is a framework that recognizes that a system’s different components change at different rates and have different life spans. The framework was first introduced by Stewart Brand (1999) and has since been applied in various fields, including architecture, urban planning, and software design. In the context of the Fab City Global Initiative and the Full Stack framework, the concept of pace layering is essential because it recognizes that systems are made up of multiple layers which operate at different speeds and have different degrees of resilience. The Full Stack approach emphasizes the importance of designing solutions that address complex problems at multiple scales, and pace layering provides a framework for doing so. For example, the pace layering framework might be used to design a local manufacturing network that uses digital fabrication technologies. The physical infrastructure layer might be designed to last for several decades, while the software and data layers might be updated more frequently to keep pace with changing technologies and needs. The governance and cultural layers might evolve more slowly but are no less important for the project’s long-term sustainability and success.
Moreover, “leverage points” are key aspects of a system in which small changes can have a large impact on the sustainability and resilience of said system. Donella Meadows (2008) first introduced this concept in her book Thinking in Systems: A Primer. Leverage points can be identified in various aspects of a system, where a small change can significantly impact the sustainability and resilience of that system. For instance, in the design of a transportation network, a leverage point might be identified in the choice of vehicle fuel, where a shift to electric or hybrid vehicles can lead to a significant reduction in greenhouse gas emissions. By making this change and promoting the use of these vehicles, designers can create a more sustainable and resilient transportation system. Another example can be in the design of a local manufacturing network that utilizes biomaterials, where a leverage point might be identified in the choice of materials used. By selecting and promoting the use of sustainable biomaterials, designers can significantly reduce the network’s environmental impact, such as reducing the use of non-renewable resources. In the context of a city that utilizes blockchain applications, leverage points might be identified in areas such as energy use and supply chain transparency. For instance, it might be identified in the use of renewable energy to power blockchain applications, where a small change in energy source can lead to a significant reduction in carbon emissions. Additionally, the use of blockchain technology can provide greater transparency in supply chains, improving the city’s overall sustainability and resilience.
Finally, “bioregionalism” is a way of understanding and organizing human societies around the natural systems and ecosystems in which they exist (Van Newkirk, 1975). Bioregionalism emphasizes the importance of localism, sustainability, and community-building, with a focus on developing self-sufficient and resilient communities integrated into their natural environment. In the context of the Full Stack’s holistic and ecosystemic approach to building sustainable and resilient cities, the concept of bioregionalism is an important tool for designing solutions deeply integrated with the natural environment and the inhabiting communities. By understanding and working within a particular region’s natural systems and ecosystems, designers and planners can create more effective and sustainable solutions in the long run (Wahl, 2020). For example, a bioregional approach to urban agriculture might involve using locally adapted crops and agroforestry systems that are suited to the local climate and soil conditions. This approach would prioritize the use of locally available resources, reducing the need for external inputs and transportation. Additionally, a bioregional approach might involve creating community-supported agriculture programs that connect local farmers with consumers, promoting social and economic resilience.
By drawing on theoretical and practical inspiration, the Fab City Full Stack approach can combine a deep understanding of the underlying principles and concepts with a practical focus on creating effective and sustainable solutions in the real world. This combination of theory and practice makes the Full Stack approach such a potentially powerful tool for addressing complex problems and designing solutions with a positive impact on the people and the planet, and to articulate and coordinate efforts with the Fab City Network members.

2.3 The Fab City Full Stack

The Fab City Full Stack is a multiscalar framework for distributed production strategies in cities and regions (Diez et al., 2022). It is needed to articulate an ambitious project such as the Fab City Global Initiative, which aims to transform cities to self-sufficiency regarding the production of their own goods by 2054. The Full Stack’s seven layers (Fig. 2.2) provide a structured pathway for communities and (policy)makers to create local networks and initiatives grounded in shared values, principles, and goals. It helps cities and regions to take a holistic approach to sustainable development, and to work towards a circular economy by promoting distributed production and consumption. Lastly, the Full Stack can be adapted and customized to the needs of specific cities and regions.
The Fab City Full Stack’s seven layers provide a comprehensive approach to transitioning towards a new productive model that fosters sustainability, innovation, and social inclusion. These layers range from the necessary infrastructure and technologies for local production to sharing knowledge between local and global networks. The seven layers are:
Layer 1: Developing Infrastructure and Technologies for Local Production
The first layer encompasses the essential local innovation spaces such as Fab Labs, makerspaces, hackerspaces, creative hubs, as well as industrial-level infrastructure in cities and bioregions. It is crucial in supporting the transition towards a new productive model in which atoms stay local and bits travel globally. The layer’s primary objective is the application of scientific knowledge to sustain, regenerate, and nurture life in Fab Cities. The Center for Bits and Atoms (CBA) at MIT and the global Fab Lab Network has been fundamental in designing future machines, exploring alternative materials, and fabrication processes, paving the way for the new industrial paradigm the Fab City Global Initiative is aiming to build, grounded in science and technology to develop a new production infrastructure and material ecology aligned with life-supporting systems at the planetary scale. Furthermore, this layer aims to build a sense of shared ownership around community production spaces, promoting values such as openness, inclusivity, and sharing, beyond the machines and materials.
Layer 2: Enabling New Forms of Learning
The second layer involves the enabling of new forms of learning that support the development of skills and knowledge needed to implement a new production paradigm in society, economy, and culture. As the Center for Bits and Atoms democratizes their work through situated labs and open knowledge, it facilitates the development of such skills and knowledge. The Fab Lab Network is leading new approaches to education through the development of a distributed model of learning programs contextualized locally and articulated globally, which can be seen in initiatives such as the Academy of Almost Anything and other emergent educational programs such as the Master in Design for Distributed Innovation. By incorporating digital fabrication tools, principles, machines, and processes into formal education and emerging new programs, these new forms of learning can help develop creative and critical skills at all levels.
Layer 3: Incubating Value-Generating Projects
This layer enables the development of hands-on projects that have economic, scientific, and social impact at the local scale. Fab Lab skills are utilized to transform designs from distributed networks into innovative projects through prototyping and experimentation. Layer 3 focuses on nurturing social and entrepreneurial projects that strengthen the principles of the Fab City Global Initiative and transform the existing productive paradigm at multiple scales. Additionally, frameworks, methods, and business models are developed to support the utilization and development of these innovation projects.
Layer 4: Orchestrating Efforts Between Local Communities and Initiatives
The fourth layer emphasizes the importance of community engagement for Fab Labs, makerspaces, and hackerspaces. It acknowledges the need to establish new local networks based on shared Fab City values and goals. This layer aims to bring together existing local efforts and incentivize an active participation of the community in innovation projects with local impact. To achieve this, Fab City Hubs serve as physical interfaces to connect various actors such as neighbors, citizens, makers, organizations, businesses, and public entities. These hubs encourage collaboration and facilitate the exchange of skills and knowledge among local communities in a given territory, thereby expanding the role and reach of Fab Labs and makerspaces.
Layer 5: Prototyping Place-Based Interventions
Creating prototypes of the Fab City model is crucial to the alignment of projects developed in Fab Labs and Fab City Hubs with their local ecosystems. The fifth layer comes into play here, focusing on prototyping place-based interventions (SPACE10 & FranklinTill Studio, 2017). These prototypes are developed at various scales, from neighborhoods to entire cities, aiming to create local strategies and governance models that can influence policymaking and establish a favorable legal framework for implementing Fab City projects. By establishing experimentation playgrounds for innovative business opportunities, citizens can test and iterate ideas that support the development of a circular economy. The ultimate aim is to establish the necessary urban frameworks and lighthouses that guide policymakers to scale the results to metropolitan and bioregional levels.
Layer 6: Applying Bioregional Strategies
The physical location of labs, hubs, and projects influences their work and has an impact on multiple scales, including the city or region they are situated in. A bioregional approach to the transition to a new productive model can foster a better relationship between humans and other species. Bioregions are defined by each territory’s cultural relationships and natural systems, allowing us to operate on a territorial scale large enough to understand cities beyond their artificial, physical, or political limits. Bioregions operate within a global logic and are influenced by changes in climate and interdependence of natural systems. It is impossible to neglect this relationship between the biological and synthetic within the same spatial and cultural dimensions that compose them. Therefore, any intervention in cities or regions must recognize this multi-species approach.
Layer 7: Sharing Knowledge with Global Networks
In the context of the Fab City Full Stack, the process of knowledge exchange and sharing is crucial to the initiative’s overall success. This is because it enables the transition from a traditional model of production known as PITO (Product In, Trash Out) to a potentially more sustainable model known as DIDO (Data In, Data Out). DIDO centers around the idea of local production and consumption, where cities are able to produce most of what they consume within their own borders and minimize waste by reusing and recycling resources. This needs knowledge exchange and collaboration across local and global networks to support the development and implementation of new technologies, processes, and business models. This knowledge exchange occurs in various local contexts, such as Fab Labs, hubs, neighborhoods, and bioregions, where individuals and groups collaborate to share information and co-create innovative solutions tailored to local needs and contexts.
In addition to enabling knowledge exchange, it is also important to develop metrics to measure progress towards the goal of producing (almost) everything locally by 2054. These metrics can help track the impact of various interventions and initiatives and provide insights into how to improve and scale up successful projects. By measuring progress towards a circular economy and local production, cities and regions can identify areas for improvement and make informed decisions about the allocation of resources to achieve their sustainability goals. Ultimately, the success of the Fab City Full Stack depends on the ability of local and global networks to share knowledge and collaborate towards a common goal, as well as the ability to measure progress towards a sustainable future.

2.4 Ways of Using the Fab City Full Stack

The Fab City Full Stack provides a comprehensive framework that can be used to analyze, design, and implement projects within the Fab City philosophy. By breaking down the complex web of interrelated factors that contribute to the development of distributed production strategies, the Full Stack allows for a more focused and efficient approach to addressing the challenges faced by cities and regions around the world. The Full Stack is also a tool for empowering local communities to connect, learn, collaborate, and innovate, while at the same time keeping them connected to a global community that shares the same vision for a more sustainable and equitable future.
As an Analysis Tool
The Fab City Full Stack can be used to analyze a context before designing and implementing a project. The analysis starts by understanding the local context and identifying the needs, resources, and actors involved. Then, the project’s potential impact on the local community and the environment should be evaluated, considering social, economic, and environmental factors. Finally, a design that responds to the identified needs and takes advantage of available resources can be created, followed by implementation and continuous evaluation to ensure that the project is achieving its intended goals. The Full Stack provides a framework to guide this process, ensuring that projects align with the values and principles of the Fab City philosophy.
As a Design Tool
The Fab City Full Stack provides a framework for designing projects and interventions that align with the Fab City principles. By utilizing the various layers of the Full Stack, designers and stakeholders can analyze the project’s context and identify its key challenges, resources, and opportunities. This understanding can inform the design of appropriate technologies and strategies, as well as identify potential partners and collaborators. By using the Full Stack to design a project, stakeholders can ensure that it aligns with the values of the Fab City philosophy, such as circularity, sustainability, and open access. The Full Stack can also aid in the project’s implementation by providing guidance on community engagement, business models, and local governance.
As an Implementation Tool
The Fab City Full Stack can be used to implement projects by providing a roadmap for translating Fab City principles into action. The Full Stack offers a framework for navigating the complexity of implementing a transition to a sustainable, locally productive city model. It helps to ensure that projects are aligned with the values of the Fab City Global Initiative, including open source, community engagement, and sustainability. The Full Stack can be used to establish local networks, develop skills and knowledge, and create prototypes at different scales. By working through each layer of the Full Stack, projects can be designed and implemented to promote a circular economy and contribute to a regenerative and thriving local and global ecosystem.

2.5 Case Studies

To demonstrate the practical application of the Fab City Full Stack framework, we examine three case studies. The first case study focuses on some of the Fab City Network members, and how they have implemented the Full Stack in different ways. The second case study explores the Smart Citizen project and how it aligns with the principles of the Full Stack. Last, the third case study analyzes the Master in Design for Distributed Innovation program offered by Fab City Foundation and IAAC and how it applies the Full Stack principles to education and innovation. Through these case studies, we demonstrate how the Fab City Full Stack framework can be used to design and implement projects that align with the principles of the Fab City Global Initiative, while also addressing the specific challenges and opportunities of each context.

2.5.1 Cities as Case Studies

Barcelona is the pioneering city in the Fab City Global Initiative. Back in 2014, Xavier Trias, the then Mayor of the City, launched a global challenge for cities to produce almost everything they consume by 2054. Under the leadership of new Mayor Ada Colau, Barcelona has focused on developing infrastructure and technologies for local production in collaboration with local stakeholders such as Fab Lab Barcelona at IAAC (IAAC, n.d.). The city has established a number of innovation spaces and digital fabrication tools to support the transition towards a new productive model of the city (Barcelona City Council, 2014). Further, the city has been incubating value-generating projects by creating frameworks, methods, and business models that support the development and utilization of such innovation projects through local programs such as the Proactive City (BIT Habitat – Barcelona City Council, n.d.).
Another example of a city is Paris, which has been actively working towards becoming a more sustainable and resilient city by implementing various circular economy strategies, some of which are efforts within the C40 Initiative, the development of the 15-minute city (Allam et al., 2022, 181–183) and by joining the Fab City Network. Paris has a long history of industrialization and urbanization. However, in recent years, the city has been facing challenges related to climate change, such as air pollution and the depletion of natural resources. The city has also been orchestrating efforts between local communities and initiatives by collaborating closely with the Fab City Grand Paris Association, founded by local organizations committed to the Fab City principles. The Association has played an important role in orchestrating efforts between different organizations so far, and in the implementation of Fab City Prototypes in city’s neighborhoods (SPACE10 & FranklinTill Studio, 2017). Most recently, the efforts of local Association members have contributed to the development of Fab City Hubs (CENTRINNO EU, 2022), which act as physical interfaces to connect multiple actors like citizens, makers, organizations, businesses, and public entities. Moreover, the city has been prototyping place-based interventions by creating strategies and governance models as well as influencing policymaking for the development of a favorable legal framework for an implementation of Fab City projects.
Inspired by Paris, the Fab City Hamburg Association brings together various stakeholders, including citizens, businesses, and public institutions, to work towards a more sustainable and self-sufficient city model. The Association seeks to promote the principles of the global Fab City movement at the local level, focusing on creating local networks, developing skills and knowledge, and fostering innovation projects that align with the movement’s values. The Fab City OS, a digital platform for sharing knowledge, resources, and skills related to sustainable urban development, is one of the projects extremely relevant to layers of the Full Stack (Fab City Hamburg Association, 2022). It offers a range of tools and resources, including an open-source data platform, a skills exchange network, and a marketplace for locally produced goods and services. The Fab City Hamburg Association is also actively involved in the development of open-source technologies that support local production in cities.
These examples show how different cities work on various layers of the Fab City Full Stack. One of the benefits of having a shared framework is for cities to be able to implement some of the existing layers developed by others, in their local context, and contributing back to its development and evolution. However, the main challenge for cities during their implementation of the Fab City Full Stack was the lack of coordination and collaboration between different government agencies and private entities. Some of these cities have been successful in creating a sense of community around innovation spaces with shared values such as openness, inclusivity, and sharing, yet, still, it is an additional challenge to increase the participation of cities and regions from areas outside the European context, one of the main focuses of the Fab City Foundation.

2.5.2 Project as a Case Study

The Smart Citizen project is a citizen-led initiative that emerged from the Fab Lab Network and aims to empower citizens to collect, share, and understand data on their environment. The project follows the Fab City principles by re-localizing the production of energy, food, and products, and developing infrastructure to keep atoms moving at the local level and bits travelling globally.
The Smart Citizen project was developed by Fab Lab Barcelona in collaboration with other organizations (Fab Lab Barcelona – IAAC, 2012). It was created with the goal of providing citizens with a tool to measure and understand the environmental conditions in their neighborhoods, aiming to foster a more sustainable and resilient city. The Smart Citizen project consists of a kit that includes sensors and a microcontroller used to measure a variety of environmental conditions, such as temperature, humidity, noise, and air quality. The data collected by the sensors is then shared with the community through a web platform and mobile app, allowing citizens to access and understand the data in real time. The project also includes a learning component, with workshops and tutorials that teach citizens how to assemble and use the kit, as well as how to interpret and make use of the data.
By incubating value-generating projects, the Smart Citizen project creates a community of active citizens who are aware of the environmental conditions in their neighborhood and can take action to improve them. Additionally, the project encourages collaboration and networking between citizens, organizations, and public entities, allowing them to work together to improve their environment. One of the main challenges faced by the Smart Citizen project was the need to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the data collected by the sensors.

2.5.3 Educational Program as a Case Study

The Master in Design for Distributed Innovation (MDDI) offered by the Fab City Foundation and the Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia (IAAC) can serve as a case study for the Fab City Full Stack for several reasons. Firstly, the MDDI program focuses on developing the necessary skills and knowledge to contribute to the development of distributed and collaborative production systems, a key aspect of the Fab City Full Stack. The program equips students with skills to design, prototype, and implement products and services that contribute to more sustainable and self-sufficient communities.
Secondly, the MDDI program provides a platform for students to engage with the principles and values of the Fab City Full Stack, such as circular economy, open-source design, and participatory governance. The program encourages students to explore how these principles can be integrated into their design practice, and to develop projects that contribute to creating more equitable cities.
Thirdly, the MDDI program offers a unique opportunity for students to engage with the Fab City Global Initiative, which is at the forefront of the movement towards more sustainable and self-sufficient cities. Students have the opportunity to work on real-world projects aligned with the Fab City Full Stack, and to engage with a global community of practitioners working towards a common goal.
Overall, the MDDI can serve as a case study for the Fab City Full Stack because it embodies the values and principles of the Fab City Global Initiative, and it provides students with a platform to learn the necessary skills and gain knowledge to contribute to the development of more sustainable and self-sufficient cities. The program offers a unique opportunity for students to engage with the Fab City Full Stack and to contribute to the development of innovative solutions with real impact.

2.6 Conclusions and Further Research

The Fab City Full Stack is still a conceptual framework that needs to be tested and iterated within the Fab City ecosystem, especially in the network of cities and regions where the Fab City agenda has been adopted. As an analysis tool, it enables stakeholders to understand the local context and evaluate a project’s potential impact. As a design tool, it provides a framework for the design of projects and interventions that promote circularity, sustainability, and open access. As an implementation tool, it offers a roadmap for the translation of Fab City principles into action, helping to establish local networks, develop skills and knowledge, and create prototypes at different scales.
The case studies presented in this chapter demonstrate the versatility and effectiveness of the Full Stack in guiding the development of innovative and sustainable projects. The success of the Full Stack depends on strong community engagement, partnerships with local organizations and businesses, and a willingness to experiment and iterate projects and interventions. However, as with any framework, its implementation has its challenges, including the need for more in-depth focus on the social, economic, and political dimensions of the framework, and the development of metrics to measure progress towards self-sufficient and sustainable cities and regions.
Future directions for research on the Fab City Full Stack include further exploration of the framework’s usage to analyze complex urban systems, such as the relationship between cities and their surrounding bioregions, and its usage for the creation of more inclusive and equitable urban spaces. There is a need for research on the Full Stack’s (potential) integration into existing policy frameworks at the local, national, and international levels, as well as how it can be used to inform and shape future policy decisions in areas such as manufacturing, housing, food, energy, amongst others.
Additionally, research could explore the potential of integrating digital technologies, such as blockchain, into the Fab City Full Stack to enhance collaboration and transparency, and to understand the role of governance and policymaking in supporting the Stack’s implementation at the local and global levels.
Future research can focus on evaluating and measuring the impact of Fab City projects and interventions. This includes the development of metrics that capture the social, economic, and environmental impacts of projects, and of tools to assess the effectiveness of the Full Stack as a framework for guiding project development. Fab Cities can use qualitative and quantitative methods to measure their impact and employ a multiscalar approach that considers the impact at the system’s different levels, ranging from the local to the global scale. Fab Cities can also leverage the concepts of leverage points and pace layering to identify the most effective interventions for achieving their goals. By tailoring interventions to each layer’s specific needs, Fab Cities can have a greater impact on the overall system. For instance, interventions that promote open-source design and collaborative production can target the Full Stack’s first layer, which focuses on developing infrastructure and technologies for local production.
Overall, the Fab City Full Stack could potentially be a valuable tool for urban planners, designers, and policymakers to guide the development of more sustainable and regenerative cities and regions.
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Zurück zum Zitat Diez, T., Ferro, C., Niaros, V., Parikh, M., & Jusic, I. (2022). The Fab City Full Stack: A multiscalar framework for distributed production strategies in cities and regions. Proceedings of the Fab 17 Research Papers, 5–11. Diez, T., Ferro, C., Niaros, V., Parikh, M., & Jusic, I. (2022). The Fab City Full Stack: A multiscalar framework for distributed production strategies in cities and regions. Proceedings of the Fab 17 Research Papers, 511. https://​doi.​org/​10.​5281/​zenodo.​7432027
Zurück zum Zitat Gershenfeld, N., Gershenfeld, A., & Cutcher-Gershenfeld, J. (2017). Designing reality: How to survive and thrive in the third digital revolution. Basic Books. Gershenfeld, N., Gershenfeld, A., & Cutcher-Gershenfeld, J. (2017). Designing reality: How to survive and thrive in the third digital revolution. Basic Books.
Zurück zum Zitat Guallart, V. (2014). The self-sufficient city. Actar. Guallart, V. (2014). The self-sufficient city. Actar.
Zurück zum Zitat Meadows, D. (2008). Thinking in systems: A primer. Chelsea Green. Meadows, D. (2008). Thinking in systems: A primer. Chelsea Green.
The Fab City Full Stack
verfasst von
Tomas Diez Ladera
Vasilis Niaros
Carolina Ferro

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