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2024 | Buch

Successful Social Activism and Unintended Market Emergence

The Fight Over Foot Health and Fashion in Japan

verfasst von: Sayako Miura

Verlag: Springer Nature Singapore


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This book demonstrates why and how social activism targeting companies can produce unintended consequences. While it is challenging for social movement organizations (SMOs) to successfully change corporate behavior, it is even more difficult or impossible for SMOs to control the spillover effects of success. Successful social activism affects companies and consumers with diverse interests and intentions beyond the initial target of SMOs, which creates various business opportunities. Entrepreneurs are mobilized by the new opportunities that they identify to initiate their own businesses, and the chain of their actions may produce new market categories unintended by the SMO, including ones that are inconsistent with its superordinate goal. This book explores the process by which an SMO succeeds in changing corporate behavior and how this success leads to unintended market emergence by longitudinally examining the shoe industry in postwar Japan. The Japan Institute of Footwear, a private organization, began advocating shoe functionality over fashion in the 1960s and succeeded in changing corporate behavior in the 1980s through learning by doing; its success led to the unintended emergence of new market categories. The book’s findings offer novel theoretical insights into the relationship between social activism and market change. The analysis also helps us understand the historical context of a movement that emerged in 2019, #KuToo—the word being an amalgam of kutsu (shoes), kutsū (pain), and #MeToo—and to consider its future.



Two Issues Related to Research on Social Movements Targeting Companies

Chapter 1. Introduction
How can social movement oganizations (SMOs) positioned on the periphery of an industry change corporate behavior? Are the resulting changes in the market always intended, and thus aligned with the superordinate goals of the SMOs? These questions underlie this study. This chapter briefly examines existing research on social movements targeting companies, clarifying how it cannot address the two issues examined in this book owing to its implicit assumptions. Then, the chapter explains the methodology for examining these issues–a case analysis of the Japanese post-war footwear industry.
Sayako Miura
Chapter 2. Characteristics of Shoes and the Footwear Industry
This chapter provides basic information about shoes and the footwear industry in Japan to help understand the case analyses presented in Parts II and III. The information is organized into four sections. The first section discusses awareness of foot health in Japan. The second section examines the features of shoes. The third section includes a general outline of the history of footwear in Japan. The fourth section provides a general outline of the post-WWII footwear industry in Japan.
Sayako Miura

Direct Effect of Activism: How an SMO Succeeded in Changing Corporate Behavior

Chapter 3. Social Movement Targeting Companies
This chapter reviews existing research on the strategies employed by SMOs that target companies and underlines that existing research has not sufficiently addressed the issue: How can SMOs positioned on the periphery of an industry change corporate behavior? It then proposes a dynamic framework to analyze this issue by adopting an emergence strategy perspective based on strategic theory.
Sayako Miura
Chapter 4. JIF’s Initial Strategy
The current and the following chapters analyze the process of modifying the strategies of JIF and successfully changing corporate behavior. JIF is a voluntary organization established to address the Japanese footwear market problem of emphasizing the fashion function of shoes and neglecting their health function. Despite being on the fringes of the footwear industry and resource-poor, JIF succeeded in persuading shoe retailers to adopt shoe fitters. This chapter describes how JIF modified its strategy from the initial standard shoe last dissemination strategy to a shoe fitter dissemination strategy.
Sayako Miura
Chapter 5. Adjustment of JIF’s Strategy and Diffusion of Shoe Fitters
This chapter analyzes how the use of shoe fitters became widespread among shoe retailers because of JIF’s activities. The analysis in this chapter reveals that JIF further learned from its activities and modified its strategy, which led to the diffusion of shoe fitters to shoe retailers. This chapter also summarizes the description of JIF’s strategy changes developed in Part II, clarifies the contribution of the study, and discusses the implications for research on the direct effect of activism targeting companies.
Sayako Miura

Indirect Effect of Activism: How Unintended Markets Emerged After an SMO’s Success

Chapter 6. Social Movement Targeting Companies and Market Emergence
This chapter reviews existing research on market emergence due to the activities of SMOs and points out that studies have primarily focused on market emergence intended by SMOs. However, this study assumes that target companies, non-target companies, and consumers that are affected directly and indirectly by the activities of SMOs react in various ways, and suggest that their diverse reactions can create various markets that the SMO did not intend, including the one inconsistent with its superordinate goals.
Sayako Miura
Chapter 7. The Comfort Shoe Market and Changes in Consumer Awareness
This chapter examines how JIF’s activities targeting shoe retailers that caused the spread of shoe fitters changed the awareness of foot health in Japan and gave rise to the comfort shoe market. The emergence of the comfort shoe market was an intended and indirect consequence of JIF’s activities. The chapter also reveals that despite the consequence, some foot health issues remained unresolved. Challenges within the shoe fitter system surfaced, revealing consumer needs that were not adequately addressed. This sets the stage for the unintended market dynamics discussed in Chaps. 810.
Sayako Miura
Chapter 8. The European Comfort Shoe Market: Seeking Further Health Functions
This chapter describes and analyzes the emergence of the European shoe market in Japan as one of the consequences of JIF’s success. Comfort shoes imported from Europe were foreign to the Japanese shoe market and did not sell well at first. Although these shoes were good for foot health, they were unfashionable and expensive. However, demand for European health shoes began in the mid-1980s and the European comfort shoe market began to expand in the mid-1990s. Why and how did the European comfort shoe market emerge and expand? The market emerged as an indirect effect of JIF’s initiatives and its unintended consequence; however, while its emergence was unintended, the market still strictly pursued JIF’s superordinate goal of foot health.
Sayako Miura
Chapter 9. The Walking Support Insole Market: Moving Toward Walking Support
This chapter and the next analyze the unintended impact of the success of JIF’s activities on the insole market. The heightened interest in foot health, triggered by the spread of shoe fitters, led to behavioral changes among insole manufacturers, who were beyond JIF’s initial target of shoe retailers, and consumers. Due to their chain of actions, the insole market shifted in a direction consistent with JIF’s superordinate goal—foot health—in the late 1990s, and the market gradually changed its path and became oriented toward a direction—fashion—that was inconsistent with JIF’s superordinate goal in the 2000s. This chapter deals with the period from the establishment of the insole market in the 1970s in Japan to the establishment and growth of the walking support insole category in the late 1990s. As the hygienic insole market peaked in the 1990s, insole manufactures launched walking support insoles for women as alternatives to hygienic insoles for men and the walking support insole category was established. Behind the success of walking support insoles among women was the heightened awareness of foot health, which was triggered by JIF and shoe fitters. This, in turn, boosted the establishment and growth of the overall walking support insole market category.
Sayako Miura
Chapter 10. The Fashion-Oriented Transparent Insole Market: Fashioning Walking Support Insoles
The previous chapter discussed how the insole market shifted in the direction of foot health in the late 1990s. However, since 2000, there has been an increase in walking support insoles that emphasize fashionable qualities while promoting comfort (Miura 2021). This chapter explains this transformation. JIF’s initiatives raised consumer awareness of foot health. Seeing that growing consciousness as a source of potential business opportunities, multiple manufacturers, suppliers, and retailers then began pursuing various initiatives, thereby sparking the emergence and growth of the fashion-oriented transparent insole market. This chapter also summarizes the discussion developed in Part III on the emergence of three markets as indirect effects of JIF’s success, clarifies the contributions of this study, and discusses the research implications of the indirect effect of activism targeting companies.
Sayako Miura

Unintended Consequences of Successful Activism

Chapter 11. Conclusion
Against the backdrop of increasing corporate power, SMOs try to bring changes to the society by influencing corporate behavior as well as changing governments and laws. Thus, social movement studies have begun to focus on social movements targeting companies as well as governments.
Sayako Miura
Successful Social Activism and Unintended Market Emergence
verfasst von
Sayako Miura
Springer Nature Singapore
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