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Latest journal issues – Automobiles + Motors

Latest journal issues – Automobiles + Motors


ATZproduction worldwide

ATZproduction worldwide reports on innovations, processes and management issues for all those with responsibility for production in the automotive industry.


MTZ industrial

Das offizielle Magazin des CIMAC (The International Council on Combustion Engines) berichtet detailliert über Groß- und Industriemotoren aller Art ab einer Zylindergröße von 2,0 l.


Sonderprojekte ATZ/MTZ worldwide


Journal of Modern Transportation

The Journal of Modern Transportation (JMT) is a fully sponsored, peer-reviewed open access journal published under the brand SpringerOpen. It provides a platform for scholars to publish their works in the general area of transportation, concerned with analysis, planning, design, operations, technologies, and economics of modern transportation and traffic systems with focus on high-speed railway technological and theoretical achievements across the world, especially in China.