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2024 | Buch

A Beginner’s Guide to Informatics and Artificial Intelligence

A Short Course Towards Practical Problem Solving


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Embark on a transformative learning journey with this book, a concise and engaging short course for those taking their first steps into the realms of information science and AI. Ideal for undergraduates, graduates, and professionals, this book lays a sturdy foundation upon which readers can build whether their aim is to undertake research projects, pursue a career in technology, or simply understand the workings of the digital age.

The learning objectives are:

* Foundational understanding: Build a sturdy foundation by introducing basic concepts and gradually progressing to advanced topics.

* Practical problem-solving: Foster the ability to solve real-world problems through guided exercises and application-oriented learning.

* Holistic knowledge: Provide a holistic understanding of information science and AI, empowering learners to contribute meaningfully to the future of these disciplines.

The key features are:

* Comprehensive coverage: Explore computer science basics to advanced AI techniques for a holistic understanding of the field.

* Engaging writing style: Complex concepts made approachable for beginners without sacrificing depth.

* Bridging theory with application: Real-world scenarios illustrate and encourage practical applications.

* Practical exercises: Guided hands-on exercises develop problem-solving skills, ensuring a practical understanding of the material.

* Enriched learning experience: Vivid examples, flowcharts, and interactive elements bring concepts to life. E-lectures of the book "Informatics and Artificial Intelligence for Beginners I & II" will be released on Springer Video soon to further enhance the learning experience.


Chapter 1. Computer
This chapter introduces the core concepts that underlie computers, unraveling their fundamental attributes and inner working mechanisms. The exploration of what a computer is highlights its essential attribute as a versatile and programmable machine capable of performing various tasks. The difference and interplay between digital and analog values unveil how computers use discrete binary values to represent and process information. From program to programming, hardware to software, composition to working mechanisms, this chapter provides learners with a comprehensive overview of the pivotal concepts that underpin the digital age. Learners will know how computer memory, processing units, and input/output units work together, and how logic gates, the elemental building blocks of digital circuits, are arranged to achieve complex operations. With a deep understanding of binary values, program, hardware, software, information representation, and logic foundations, learners will be empowered to navigate the world of computing with newfound clarity and appreciation.
Wei Weng
Chapter 2. Flowchart
This chapter offers a guide to flowcharts, an essential tool in the realm of informatics and problem solving. The chapter starts by illuminating the concept of flowcharts as graphical representations of processes, serving as a universal language bridging the gap between complex procedures and intuitive understanding. It presents the fundamental elements that constitute flowcharts, their shapes, and purposes. In the journey of flowchart creation, it offers a step-by-step illustration of the essential techniques including selecting appropriate symbols, structuring the sequence of steps, and aligning decision points. The chapter offers notes on flowcharting—a summary of best practices and considerations that enhance the effectiveness of the visual representation. These notes include principles like simplicity, clarity, consistency, and the art of striking the balance between detail and abstraction. In the exercises, learners are encouraged to construct informative flowcharts with precision for real-world scenarios. In essence, this chapter unveils the art and science of creating effective flowcharts. Whether outlining a business workflow, designing algorithms, or conveying complex decision processes, this chapter equips learners with the ability to use this versatile tool in diverse problem-solving scenarios.
Wei Weng
Chapter 3. Time Complexity
In the realm of informatics and computational analysis, it is important to understand the efficiency of a program or calculation procedure. This chapter presents an exploration of time complexity, a fundamental metric that underpins computational efficiency. The chapter begins by showing the definition and representation of time complexity. It delves into the fundamental understanding of how time complexity depicts the relation between input data size and the time required for execution. It provides perspectives for perceiving time complexity from a polynomial expression of the number of instructions. Furthermore, it demonstrates how to infer time complexity directly from flowcharts—a visual representation introduced in the previous chapter. By comparing two cases different in time complexity, the chapter showcases how the analytical insights gained through time complexity can inform the efficiency of a program. By dissecting polynomials and flowcharts in the skill-enhancing exercises, learners will sharpen their ability to assess time complexity in diverse contexts.
Wei Weng
Chapter 4. Artificial Intelligence—Mathematical Modeling
Within the realm of problem solving, mathematical modeling is an essential process preceding the application of artificial intelligence (AI) or computational methods. This chapter delves into this powerful tool to transform real-world challenges into mathematical constructs. It introduces the key components of problem definition, variable notation, and objective function formulation. By offering a step-by-step breakdown of the modeling process, learners will gain insight into how to structure problems as equations and languages that computers can understand. Illustrative examples underscore the principles of problem modeling and encoding. By actively engaging in problem-solving exercises, learners will sharpen their skills to translate reality into mathematics, crafting precise and effective models for analytical and computational endeavors. Whether optimizing business processes, engineering solutions, or creating strategies, this chapter equips learners with the artistry of problem modeling as a cornerstone of intelligent decision-making.
Wei Weng
Chapter 5. Artificial Intelligence—Genetic Algorithm
In the realm of artificial intelligence (AI), genetic algorithm (GA) is a powerful problem-solving technique rooted in the principles of natural evolution. This chapter equips learners with the understanding and tools to use GA in addressing complex challenges. The chapter opens by highlighting the types of problems for which this evolutionary approach is particularly adept. Venturing into the anatomy of GA, the chapter presents the detailed flow of GA that begins with initial population creation and goes through evaluation, selection, crossover, and mutation. It delves into the mechanics and details of each step, offering insights into how GA mimics the process of natural evolution to converge toward optimal solutions. Detailed examples illustrate step by step how GA is implemented to solve a complex problem. The chapter concludes with an engaging exercise that invites learners to apply their newfound knowledge to solve a problem. This hands-on opportunity will empower learners to transcend theory and experiment with application. By mastering GA, learners will gain the ability to navigate the evolutionary landscape of AI.
Wei Weng
Chapter 6. Artificial Intelligence—Machine Learning
In the realm of artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning is a domain where machines learn from data and refine their performance over time. This chapter embarks on a journey into the realm of machine learning. The chapter begins by introducing regression—a foundational technique in machine learning, demonstrating how machines map relation between observed data to predict outcomes and trends. Delving deeper, the chapter ventures into the landscape of neural network. It unveils the structure and function of a neuron and takes the threshold logic unit (TLU) as an example to reveal how these basic elements pave the way for complex calculations. The chapter guides learners through the process of TLU learning—the mechanism by which the units adapt to data and evolve their decision-making parameters. Then deep learning emerges as the expansion of these concepts. Finally, hands-on exercises invite learners to employ and design neurons to achieve specific calculations, enabling learners to harness the transformative potential of machine learning from a practical perspective. Whether predicting market trends, analyzing complex datasets, or engineering intelligent systems, this chapter empowers learners to navigate the landscape of machine learning from the scratch.
Wei Weng
Chapter 7. Network
In an era marked by the interconnected modern civilization, networks serve as the underpinning architecture that enables seamless information exchange across the globe. This chapter embarks on a journey through the realms of network from foundational concepts to visionary technologies. The chapter starts from switching methods, offering insights into how data traverses the network pathways. It delves into topologies that shape network resilience and performance. It extends the exploration to wired and wireless networks, unveiling industry standards and characteristics. In the domain of the Internet, the chapter explores its architecture, protocols, and hierarchical models, underscoring the significance of IP addresses and domain names. By inviting learners to consider factors that lead to slow network speeds or connectivity issues, the chapter engages learners in critical problem solving. Furthermore, by reflecting on the transformative potential of artificial intelligence (AI) and Internet of things (IoT) in their lives, learners explore the possibilities that the future holds. Whether improving network efficiency, embracing the IoT revolution, or contemplating the future, this chapter equips learners to navigate the landscape of global communication with confidence.
Wei Weng
Chapter 8. Database
The world of information management hinges on the foundation of databases, powerful tools that store, organize, and retrieve data efficiently. This chapter delves into the heart of databases, clarifying their significance and exploring the realm of relational databases. The chapter begins by unraveling the essence of databases, their role in storing, organizing, and retrieving data. It then delves into relational databases, exploring their architecture, attributes, and calculations. It introduces set operations such as union, difference, and intersection and crucial database operations such as restriction and projection. Each operation is explained with illustrative examples, providing clarity from the practical perspective. To enhance understanding, the chapter concludes with exercises that invite learners to apply the theoretical knowledge to real-world scenarios. For learners who are newcomers to the world of databases, this chapter provides an accessible guide to navigating the landscape of data manipulation.
Wei Weng
Chapter 9. Information Security
In an era marked by digital interconnection, the importance of information security cannot be overstated. This chapter delves into the realm of information security, exploring its core principles, practices, and real-world applications. The chapter underscores the essence of information security in preserving confidentiality, integrity, and availability of sensitive data. It delves into security measures from both user and administrator perspectives. It explores encryption methodologies, revealing their inner workings and applications in securing data. In addition, it unravels the concepts of digital signatures and digital authentication. Inquiries on managing personal information while sending emails and using USB disks underscore the relevance of information security in everyday scenarios. The chapter empowers learners to embrace information security as an integral part of their digital lives, fostering a culture of vigilance and responsible digital citizenship.
Wei Weng
Chapter 10. Solutions to Exercises
This chapter serves as a companion to practical exercises featured at the end of each preceding chapter, offering learners a roadmap to understand complex concepts through hands-on application. Within this chapter, learners will find solutions to every exercise problem, accompanied by explanations of key points. By engaging with these solutions and explanations, learners will not only solidify their understanding of the subject matter but also enhance the problem-solving ability to cope with challenges.
Wei Weng
A Beginner’s Guide to Informatics and Artificial Intelligence
verfasst von
Wei Weng
Springer Nature Singapore
Electronic ISBN
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